[PYTHON] How to calculate the sum or average of time series csv data in an instant


Thing you want to do


#date(Up to minutes),USD rate,JPY rate,EUR rate
#There are 144 rows of data per day every 10 minutes
# 2020/2/24 18:00 ~ 2020/6/11 23:10
yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM,NN.N(data),NN.N,NN.N
yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM,NN.N(data),NN.N,NN.N
yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM,NN.N(data),NN.N,NN.N

Trying to reinvent the wheel

First, write the code and ask (try to ask)

  1. Open the file
  2. Consider the first column as a date and time and convert it to date type
  3. Accumulate values until the boundary between the same month and day is crossed
  4. Divide the accumulated data by the number of accumulated data to calculate the average
  5. File output

Elements that seem to be troublesome

Find the invented wheel


import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("input.csv",index_col=0,parse_dates=True)


・ ・ ・

The wheels even output the graph


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