A Tour of Go Learning Summary

# site * [A Tour of Go](https://tour.golang.org/welcome/1) * [The Go Playground](https://play.golang.org/) * [Go's Declaration Syntax](https://blog.golang.org/declaration-syntax) Packages Go prog

I implemented Google's Speech to text in Django

In AWS, it is possible to transcribe by WEB operation, but in GCP it can be operated only from API. So, I studied django and tried it briefly. The reason is that Google's voice recognition accuracy i

Csv tinkering with python

### Copy file #### **`copy.py`** ```python import shutil shutil.copy('Copy source path', 'Copy destination path') ``` ### Move files #### **`move.py`** ```python import shutil shutil.move('Path

Getting Started with Yocto Project with Raspberry Pi 4 and WSL2

# Introduction The other day, I touched the Raspberry Pi with [Playing with Ubuntu Desktop on Raspberry Pi 4](https://qiita.com/y-tsutsu/items/b50d44bd70c25279d130), but this time I tried to move th

We will implement the optimization algorithm (cuckoo search)

# Introduction A series of optimization algorithm implementations. First, see [Overview](https://qiita.com/pocokhc/items/07b698cc426cadb3a64e). The code can be found on [github](https://github.c

A story about a person who uses Python addicted to the judgment of an empty JavaScript dictionary

I usually use Python for machine learning programming, but I also need to do around the screen, and at that time, is it the code that judges the JavaScript dictionary with the `if` statement? I thoug

[Competition Pro] Let Python play a stone-picking game with no winning method

<img src="https://qiita-image-store.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/0/470270/9fc6c1a0-556f-7b86-d3f0-fc0f33f5da30.jpeg " width=400> ## What is a stone-picking game? A stone-picking game is a game in

I tried to make a skill that Alexa will return as cold

It's cold this winter, isn't it? So, when I talked to Alexa that it was cold, I tried to develop a skill that would answer that it was cold. ### Create Developer page https://developer.amazon.co

Linux command (basic in basic) personal memo

## Introduction I've been learning rails and PHP a lot lately, so I've posted a review and want to review Linux commands. Of course it's my own memo ## Linux commands --cd (current directory)

About list processing (Python beginners after learning Ruby)

# List processing Partial supplement to list processing #### **`list.py`** ```python #split function Splits the given data with the specified arguments and returns it as a list. I will not use it

How to query BigQuery with Kubeflow Pipelines and save the result and notes

## Introduction I will summarize how to send a query from Kubeflow Pipelines to BigQuery and save the query result in the following 3 patterns. ** 1. CSV file ** **2. GCS** **3. BigQuery** At t

[Day 7] Template inheritance and include

January 12, 2021 [← Last time: Handle Day6 static files](https://qiita.com/kizashi/items/c9941cb2da95f6c5b0e0) # Precautionary statement This article is not a single article. I wrote it as a diary,

Python: Extract file information from shared drive with Google Drive API

# Contents A memo for extracting a list of files from a specified shared drive directory using the [Google Drive API](https://developers.google.com/drive) # code OK if you change the argument of th

I tried the site "Deploy Azure virtual machine from Go"

site"[Azure for Go developers| Microsoft Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/azure/developer/go/)"QuickStart"""[DeployanAzurevirtualmachinefromGo|MicrosoftDocs](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/az

Linux standard textbook chapter end test answer

Chapter 1 What is Linux? (1) Select the appropriate basic software. Windows Linux (2) Select the appropriate application software. Word Excel (3) Name two appropriate roles for the Operating Sys

Go language-fmt.Scan

fmt.Scan I'm going to write the understanding of Go from the basics of programming! fmt.Scan ```go var input string fmt.Scan(&input) //❶fmt.scan(&Variable name)Enter characters on the console wit

Easy to try! A story about making a deep learning Othello and strengthening it until you beat yourself (Part 1)

It is said that Othello's AI algorithm was created by deep learning and became so strong that I could not win. Also, in my case, it took about 2 months, but the implementation itself was not so dif

Investigate the add_metric method to add arbitrary metrics to pycaret

# Introduction I wanted to use the metric logloss in pycaret, but there was no logloss by default, so I investigated how to add it. Previously, it was not possible to add metrics, but with the Octo

Python basic grammar / algorithm

Make a note because I forget it every time. Updated from time to time. # Basic grammar ## Tuple (1, 2, 3) etc. Cannot be changed. The list can be changed. ## How to receive the list ``` L = [[1, 2

Go language-address

# address I'm going to write the understanding of Go from the basics of programming! ### What is an address? Computers have something like a work space called memory Variables are recorded in that

Convert PDF of the situation of people infected in Tokyo with the new coronavirus infection of the Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Welfare Bureau to CSV

Convert PDF of [Status of people infected in Tokyo with new coronavirus infection](https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/iryo/kansen/todokedehcyouseisya.html) of Tokyo Metropolitan Health and We

How to use linux commands in Visual Studio Code terminal

A memo when setting to use Linux commands when opening a terminal with VS Code of Windows. # Advance preparation This setting is premised on using GitBASH, so install it from the following site. ht

[AtCoder explanation] Control ABC188 A, B, C problems with Python!

** AtCoder Beginner Contest 188 ** ** A, B, C problems ** will be explained as carefully as possible with ** Python3 **. I am aiming to explain a solution that satisfies the following three points,

Creating a Home screen

<div align="center"> <img src="https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/_images/flask-logo.png " /> </div> # Introduction We use Flask to create an application from scratch and organize it so tha

[PyCharm] Japanese localization procedure (version 2020.1.2 or later)

I switched PyCharm from the free version to the paid version, and I got a little addicted to the procedure of Japanese localization, so I will share it. # Those who want to read this article ――I wa

I tried to automatically generate OGP of a blog made with Hugo with tcardgen made by Go

* This is the same article posted on my blog. [I tried to automatically generate OGP for a blog created with Hugo with tcardgen](https://biwashi.github.io/blog/blog/tcardgen-hugo/) # Introduction

Let's get started with Python ~ Building an environment on Windows 10 ~

# Let's do Python. I don't think it will hurt to do Python. Since it is a scripting language, it is ** easy to learn ** and ** easy to code **. Interpreter language, ** easy to execute **. It is

The story of replacing Nvidia GTX 1650 with Linux Mint 20.1.

![1650.jpg](https://qiita-image-store.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/0/33927/c03d1008-33f8-215c-5fc7-acc88096012a.jpeg) # Origin The other day, I installed CUDA on Linux Mint 20.1 and now I'm eag

[For beginners] How to read Numerai's HP + Submit + Convenient links

# ** Introduction ** Nice to meet you. My name is tit_BTCQASH. (Https://twitter.com/tit_BTCQASH We will introduce the points that are difficult to understand in the project called Numerai, their

Azure SDK for Go setup (macOS)

To start the "quick start" of the site "[Go Developer Azure | Microsoft Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/azure/developer/go/)", when I try to run it with a command line tool, --Azure CLI (for