I've been learning rails and PHP a lot lately, so I've posted a review and want to review Linux commands.
Of course it's my own memo
--cd (current directory) ← You can move to that directory by typing in the terminal There is a directory called app, and you can move to the directory called app by typing cd app and terminal.
pwd (print working directory) Show current directory
ls (list) Check and display files in the directory
mkdir (make directory) Create a new directory (folder) Example: mkdir test This will create a directory (folder) called test
touch Create a new file Example touch test.rb This will create a new file
rm Delete file Example: rm text.rb This will delete text.rb
rm -r File deletion Example: rm -r test
When I was studying at a tech camp, I only did the top three sweats By the way, I used the top three really often Going back and forth between the final task and the portfolio app ... I don't use it because deleting and creating can be done with a mouse.
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