Csv tinkering with python

Copy file


import shutil
shutil.copy('Copy source path', 'Copy destination path')

Move files


import shutil
shutil.move('Path before moving', 'Path after moving')

File encoding (utf8 → shift_jis)


import codecs
def main():
    # UTF-8 File path
    utf8_csv_path = 'utf8 file path'
    # Shift-jis file path
    shiftjis_csv_path= 'shift-jis file path'

    #Convert character code to shiftjis and save
    fin = codecs.open(utf8_csv_path, "r", "utf-8")
    fout_jis = codecs.open(shiftjis_csv_path, "w", "shift_jis")
    for row in fin:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Delete file


import os
os.remove('File path you want to delete')

File name change


import os
os.rename('File path before change', 'File path after change')

Rename column of csv


import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('202101.csv')

print("Before Column\t"+str(df.columns)) #Column name confirmation

df = df.rename(columns = {'A':'aaa', 

print("After Column\t"+str(df.columns)) #Confirmation of column name after change

df.to_csv('202101_changeColumnName.csv', index = False) #Write changes to csv

Get date (this time YYYYMM)

today = datetime.date.today()

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