[PYTHON] Ansible environment construction For Mac

Ansible2.0 environment construction


1. Installation method ver.Mac

2. Installation method ver. Client side

Output result list

1. How to install

1. Delete the existing ansible

brew uninstall ansible --force

2. Install pyenv-virtualenv

・ Pyenv You can install and switch between multiple versions of Python ・ Pyenv-virtualenv A pyenv plugin that allows you to switch between multiple environments with the same version of Python

brew install pyenv-virtualenv
pyenv versions

3. Python installation + Ansible2 environment creation

xcode-select --install #Command Line Tools installation
pyenv install 2.7.10   #Python2 in pyenv.7.10 Create environment
pyenv versions         #* 1 output
pyenv virtualenv 2.7.10 ansible2 #2 in virtualenv.7.Create ansible2 based on 10
pyenv versions         #* 2 output

4. Switch global Python to ansible2

pyenv global ansible2
pyenv versions  #* 3 output
python --version => 2.7.10

5. Pass the path for the pip command (zsh)

echo eval "$(pyenv init -)" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

6.ansible 2.x installation

pip install ansible
ansible --version => 2.x series
=>What to do if an error occurs=>Error handling 1

※1,※2, ※3

> ※1
system (set by /Users/hoge/.pyenv/version)
* system (set by /Users/oge/.pyenv/version)
* ansible2 (set by /Users/hoge/.pyenv/version)
> ※4

Confirmed because it is said that there is no gmp
# brew install gmp
=>Get angry if it's already installed

Error handling

※1 error contents

src/_fastmath.c:36:11: fatal error: 'gmp.h' file not found # include <gmp.h> ^ 1 error generated. error: command 'clang' failed with exit status 1

I get an error saying there is no gmp

brew install gmp =>Reinstall because it gets angry if it is already
brew uninstall gmp
brew install gmp   #Done

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