[PYTHON] grip environment construction onCentOS6.5

grip is "git hub like mark down renderer service". It launches a web service that displays a clean copy of your github-compliant markdown document. Thank you joeyespo. https://github.com/joeyespo/grip The current latest version seems to be version 2.0.0 The installation method and usage seems to be README driven development, and it seems that it is exhausted with README.md of the above URL. So, if you can use pip, please go there. I was using CentOS and there was no pip in the first place, so I followed only that part.

Python environment construction on CentOS6.5

I can't use pip suddenly. It is delicate whether it should be done with root privileges, but I tried it with root privileges. I wonder if this is enough for general users.

wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py -O - | python
easy_install pip

Installing the grip and browsing the README.md

It seems that the installation should not have been done with root privileges.

sudo pip install grip


grip 3000

This will open, so it's safe to use port forwarding with ssh.

sudo ssh -L80: user@server

In this way, if you access the URL http: //localhost/README.md, the README.md on the server will be rendered.

troubles as of 2014May(version 2.0.0)

The line feed code of the setting file is the Windows version

Even though it is the latest version, I suddenly stepped on this https://github.com/joeyespo/grip/issues/36

Seemed to be fixed by manually removing Windows line endings from the file .. I deleted \ r as follows.

cp /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/grip/settings.py backup.txt 
tr --delete '\r' < backup.txt > /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/grip/settings.py

Create a cache file without permission

Perhaps this means installing with root privileges.

OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/var'

Abuse of root privileges because it can't be helped.

sudo mkdir /usr/var
sudo chmod 777 /usr/var

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