[PYTHON] How to install Theano on Mac OS X 10.10 (using pyenv, anaconda)

Environment of the installed machine

To-do list

  1. Install pyenv
  2. Install anaconda via pyenv
  3. Install theano via pip

1. Install pyenv

The default python will cause some problems, so add pyenv to get the right version.

What is pyenv?


Procedure list

1-1. Add brew 1-2. Insert pyenv-rehash 1-3. Editing .bash_profile or .zshrc

1-1. Add brew

see : http://brew.sh/

1-2. Insert pyenv-rehash

If you install a package called pyenv-rehash, pyenv will be installed as well.

$ brew install pyenv-rehash

1-3. Editing .bash_profile or .zshrc

Added the following. Tell the location of pyenv.

export PYENV_ROOT=/usr/local/opt/pyenv
if [ -d "${PYENV_ROOT}" ]; then
    export PATH=${PYENV_ROOT}/bin:$PATH
    eval "$(pyenv init -)"

2. Install anaconda via pyenv

I use anaconda, which installs packages for scientific calculations at the same time.

What is anaconda?


Procedure list

2-1. Install anaconda 2-2. Make sure that python installed in anaconda is used

2-1. Install anaconda

$ pyenv install anaconda-2.1.0

2-2. Make sure that python installed in anaconda is used

$ pyenv global anaconda-2.1.0 #Specify the python included in anaconda as the system default python
$ pyenv local anaconda-2.1.0 #Make sure that the python contained in anaconda is specified only in that folder
$ pyenv rehash

After doing this, type the following and if `` `/ usr / local / opt / pyenv / shims / python``` is specified, you're done. If not, try restarting the terminal.

$ which python

3. Install theano via pip

Finally, install theano you are looking for. Please note that there is one point and a fitting point.


Procedure list

3-1. Install theano 3-2. Downgrade pyparsing

3-1. Install theano

Originally, you have to set it while including numpy and scipy, but By adding anaconda, it's doing a good job, so if you suddenly add theano, it's okay.

$ pip install theano

3-2. Downgrade pyparsing

I get an error when trying to import theano from python.

>>> import theano
Couldn't import dot_parser, loading of dot files will not be possible.

The pyparsing that is included in anaconda as of 2015-08-17 from the beginning is v2.0.1, which is the cause. It seems that v1.5.7 should be used, so install v1.5.7

$ pip install pyparsing==1.5.7

Now you can use theano without any problems.

Reference: [pydot and graphviz error: Couldn't import dot_parser, loading of dot files will not be possible](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15951748/pydot-and-graphviz-error-couldnt-import-dot -parser-loading-of-dot-files-will? rq = 1)


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