[PYTHON] Install Sphinx on Mac OS X

I installed Sphinx in the environment of Mac OS X 10.8.5 + Python 2.7.5. You must be connected to the internet.

First, download and install ez_setup.py. Because of Mac OS X, the get command is curl instead of wget.

$ curl https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/raw/bootstrap/ez_setup.py -o ez_setup.py
$ python ez_setup.py

If the installation fails, try running it with administrator privileges.

$ sudo python ez_setup.py

Install Sphinx with the installed easy_install. This time 1.1.3 was selected. (The latest is 1.2.)

$ easy_install sphinx
Searching for sphinx
Best match: Sphinx 1.1.3

Create a project directory (here "sphinx") and move the current.

$ mkdir sphinx
$ cd sphinx/

Generate a Sphinx project with sphinx-quickstart. Since this is a "trial", I answered the questions after executing sphinx-quickstart with almost the initial values (press the [Enter] key).

$ sphinx-quickstart
$ ls
Makefile build/    make.bat source/

"Index.rst" in the source directory is the reStructuredText file.

$ ls source/
_static/    _templates/ conf.py    index.rst

Create HTML from a file in the source directory.

$ make html
$ ls build/html/
_sources/       genindex.html  objects.inv    searchindex.js
_static/        index.html     search.html

Start a WWW browser (Safari in this case) and check the created HTML.

$ open /Applications/Safari.app build/html/index.html

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