[PYTHON] Install PyQt5 with homebrew on Mac OS X Marvericks (10.9.2)


PyQt is a Qt application frame from Digia (formerly Nokia, but sold to Digia on August 9, 2012). Work Python binding. PyQt5 supports Qt v5.

This page introduces the procedure to install PyQt5 using homebrew on the latest version of Mac OS X Marvericks (10.9.2) as of March 2014. I will.

Installation procedure

# 1.Install sip, which is a dependency of PyQt5
brew install sip

# 2.PyQt5 to python2.Build and install with 7(I get an error with python3)
brew install pyqt5 --with-python --without-python3

# 3.Addition of PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

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