Logistics visualization with Python

what is this

A sample for a quick look at trends in flow data.

raw data

From Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Logistics Census [Inter-prefectural flow volume (by product type) -Weight-](http://www. mlit.go.jp/sogoseisaku/transport/sosei_transport_fr_000074.html) is used. Each sheet is weight data of physical distribution by prefecture in 2010. There are 10 sheets in total, agriculture and water, forestry, mining, metal machinery, chemistry, light work, miscellaneous work, discharge, and special.

Execution environment

I have prepared a Docker image (tsutomu7 / graphviz) so that you can use graphviz quickly, so you can execute the following.


firefox http://localhost:8888 &
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 tsutomu7/graphviz

If you want to build it yourself, do "conda install graphviz" and "pip install graphviz" after installing Anaconda. Install the main body of graphgviz with conda and the wrapper with pip.

Try it with Python

Data reading

Read all sheets into variable a at once with read_excel. For a, 0-9 is the key and DataFrame is the value. a [0] is the "total" DataFrame for all industries.


import numpy as np, pandas as pd
cat = 'Total Agriculture, Forestry, Mining, Metal Machinery, Chemistry, Light Work, Miscellaneous Work, Emissions Special'.split()
rng = list(range(len(cat)))
a = pd.read_excel('http://www.mlit.go.jp/sogoseisaku/transport/butsuryucensus/T9-010301.xls',
    rng, skip_footer=1, skiprows=8, header=None, index_col=0, parse_cols=np.arange(1,49))
a[0].ix[:3, :7]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
North Sea Road 944271.4669 6728.8486 1075.6893 7623.1429 2350.6049 164.8547 4221.1922
Aomori 22969.4545 257605.0057 12702.7039 2857.1319 8079.5519 750.9524 1799.4754
Iwate 211.2175 5090.7300 194668.7805 10623.9818 1518.8552 676.9535 1244.9179

It represents a prefecture whose row is From and a prefecture whose column is To, and is a 47 x 47 matrix.


Sort by industry in descending order of physical distribution.


prefs = a[0].index.map(lambda x: x.replace('\u3000', ''))
b = [pd.DataFrame([(prefs[i], prefs[j], a[h].iloc[i, j]) for i in range(47) for j in range(47)
    if i != j], columns=['From', 'To', 'Val']).sort_values('Val', ascending=False) for h in rng]
From To Val
1080 Mie Aichi 170322.9506
1268 Hyogo Osaka 165543.7879
1499 Okayama Hyogo 142949.9022

Draw a diagram with the top 5 flow rates in each industry

The figure is output as "fig_industry.png ". The flow rate is 1000 tons / year.


from graphviz import Digraph
from IPython.display import display
for h, c in zip(rng, cat):
    g = Digraph(format='png')
    g.attr('graph', label=c, labelloc='t')
    g.node_attr['fontsize'] = '10'
    for _, r in b[h][:5].iterrows():
        g.edge(r.From, r.To, label='%d'%(r.Val//1000))

fig_合計.png fig_農水.png fig_林業.png fig_鉱産.png fig_金属機械.png fig_化学.png fig_軽工.png fig_雑工.png fig_排出.png fig_特殊.png

that's all

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