[PYTHON] [Day 1] Prepare Django's development environment

January 6, 2021


The intent of creating something like this this time is for me in the future to look back at this article and see my growth.

I can't even think about what I'm doing in the future, but I hope I can understand at a glance that I used to do this kind of thing.

So, what I referred to this time is Mr. Kuro's Django study journal. In the future, we will continue to study Django according to this study journal. Django Study Book

The following explanations are based on the Django study journal. If you want to learn Django, I recommend you to jump to the above url and proceed with the learning.

This blog (Django study journal) is made fairly easy to understand, and I don't think it will trip over basically, but I personally corrected the time-consuming part and left it as a diary.

By the way, this time I am on macOS.11.0 The editor uses Visual Studio Code.

Preparing a virtual environment for python

First, get ready to proceed with Django development. It is assumed here that python3 is already installed.

This time we will create a virtual environment for development with venv. We will continue to operate basically in the vnev environment.

$ python3 -m venv venv

In some cases, the "python3" part may be "python". You should now have a venv directory.

Now, let's activate the created venv environment.

$ source venv/bin/activate

It is now enabled. If you want to get out of the venv environment, enter the following command.

(venv)$ deactivate

Now you are ready.

Django installation

Let's actually install Django. We will use pip in the venv environment.

(venv)$ pip install django

Now you're ready to go.

in conclusion

This time, I prepared the environment for Django. This is the end. See you again.

→ Next time: Generate Day2 project

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