Development environment in Python

From now on, we will proceed with development using Python as the main language, so we will introduce the development environment. First of all, I am using Windows 7 because the OS plays PC games. I thought about developing with Linux, but the HDD has a small capacity of 500GB for dual booting, and installation on the VM seems to be slow, so I decided to develop with the current OS as it is. However, I have only touched Python a little, and I hardly remember it, so I will develop it while studying Python.

Since it is development on Windows 7, I will install and develop an application called Anaconda that my friend taught me when I was a student. Let's itemize the advantages of Anaconda a little.

    1. Easy to install Python
  1. NumPy is installed by default.

    1. SciPy is installed by default.
  2. Matplotlib is installed by default.

First of all, I decided to use Anaconda because it would take a lot of time and effort to prepare such a development environment by myself. Anaconda has a GUI called Spyder (Is it like Eclipse in JAVA?), So I think it's easy to develop. Python is a language recommended by TA because it is short and easy to write when doing AI tasks, and it seems that it is often used in this field. Ruby is similar and popular in Japan, so I don't think it's a major one, but it seems to be used frequently overseas. By the way, I have never touched Ruby, so I chose Python.

NumPy and SciPy were necessary for doing assignments (Is it an image processing class?) When I was a student, but I think it was convenient because it was a library containing mathematical algorithms. I think it will be useful in the future. For example, it seems that you can use it instead of the software called Matlab.

Matplotlib is convenient for drawing the output data in graph format. For example, when measuring the speed of an algorithm, I think that a visible graph is easy to understand and can be left as data.

So far, I've talked about what I know, but I think there are some mistakes and things I don't know. I will post while studying, so if you have any questions, please point out and teach me. Then, from the next post, I will actually write the code using Anaconda, so thank you.

Anaconda download site:

It seems to be compatible with Linux and Mac, so please try it out! !! !!

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