How to use Eclipse on my PC with 32bit and 2GB of memory

The laptop I'm using is using Windows with 32bit and 2GB of memory, but even if I installed Eclipse on Windows as it was, the memory became full and I couldn't operate it. I wanted to do java development with Eclipse somehow, so I installed Eclipse on VMware in my notebook PC and tried to verify the operation.


VMware Player6.0.7 CentOS6.9 Eclipse-4.7.2

Eclipse installation

Download installation media eclipse

Click Download Packages when accessed

Change the pull-down menu that says Windows in the upper right to Linux

Select the target bit and download

Transfer the downloaded tar.gz file to the server and place it in / opt If you do not know the transfer method, refer to this.

sudo tar xzvf eclipse-dsl-oxygen-2-linux-gtk.tar.gz -C /opt

Add a version to the directory name for future management

sudo mv /opt/eclipse /opt/eclipse-4.7.2

Create a configuration file and enable icon selection from the GUI screen

sudo vi /usr/share/applications/eclipse-4.7.2.desktop

[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=Eclipse oxygen(4.7.2) Name[ja]=Eclipse oxygen(4.7.2) Comment=Eclipse oxygen Comment[ja]=Eclipse oxygen Exec=/opt/eclipse-4.7.2/eclipse Icon=/opt/eclipse-4.7.2/icon.xpm Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Development;

## Java environment construction

sudo yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

 Version confirmation

$ dirname $(readlink $(readlink $(which java))) /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0-openjdk.i386/bin

 Set the previous path to / etc / profile

```sudo vi /etc/profile```

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0-openjdk.i386 export PATH=PATH:JAVA_HOME/bin export CLASSPATH=.:JAVA_HOME/jre/lib:JAVA_HOME/lib:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar

 Reflect settings

source /etc/profile

## Start-up
 Application-> Programming-> eclipse

 I was able to start it safely.
 After that, I added Japanese support and was able to move it safely in a new project.
 In a virtual environment, it seems to work lightly in the reserved memory because no extra apps are installed.
 Also, since Eclipse originally worked on Unix, it seems that it was not compatible with Windows.


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