How to share on the host side (windows) and guest side (CentOS 7) with VirtualBox

How to share on the host side (windows) and guest side (CentOS 7) with VirtualBox

In VirtualBox
-host(windows)~ side
-The guests(CentOS7)~ side
So, there is a way to share the folder.

Install Guest Additions

--Installing the library

# yum update
# yum install gcc make bzip2 kernel-devel

--On the Virtualbox screen --Device> Guest Additions Select Insert CD Image


--CD image mount

# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/
mount: /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
# cd /mnt
# ./
# shutdown -h now

Make sharing settings in VirtualBox

--Creating a folder to be shared on the host side


--Shared folder settings

2.png 4.png

  1. Go to settings
  2. Move to shared folder
  3. Click the + key in the folder on the right
  4. Describe the settings in "Add shared folder" --Folder path: C: \ home_dir --Folder name: Enter automatically --Check for automatic mounting --Mount point: / mnt / home_dir
  5. Start the server

Confirmed on the guest side

--Check home_dir directory

# ls -l /mnt/
Total 0
drwxr-x---.2 root root 6 September 1 21:33 home_dir

Confirmation of sharing

--[Host side] Create file (test.txt)


--[Guest side] File confirmation (test.txt)

# ll /mnt/home_dir/
Total 0
-rwxrwx---.1 root vboxsf 0 September 1 22:03 test.txt

--[Guest side] Create file (test1.txt)

# touch /mnt/home_dir/test.txt
# ll /mnt/home_dir/
-rw-r--r--.1 root root 0 September 1 21:54 /mnt/home_dir/test.txt

--[Host side] File confirmation (test1.txt)



--VirtualBox Shared Folder Settings --Share Folder Between Host and Guest

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