[Rough explanation] How to separate the operation of the production environment and the development environment with Rails

Sudden conclusion

For controller

Production environment


if Rails.env.production?
  #The definition of the production environment

Development environment


if Rails.env.development?
  #Definition of development environment

For views

Production environment


<% if Rails.env.production? %>
  <%#It is a display of the production environment%>
<% end %>

Development environment


<% if Rails.env.development? %>
  <%#It is a display of the production environment%>
<% end %>

Summary in seconds

"There is a gap between the development environment and the production environment ..." "I have no choice but to match it to the production environment, but it's inconvenient in the development environment ..."

We have introduced conditional branching that can be used in such cases. The production environment is difficult! Let's do our best to learn Rails!

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