Steps to install Maven on Mac and use it in Eclipse


This article describes the steps to get Maven on your Mac and use it in Eclipse. Maven is a project management tool that replaces Apache's Ant for efficiently managing (building) Java programs. In the case of Ant, each process that was done by writing detailed instructions in the configuration file called build.xml is processed by writing rough instructions in pom.xml in Maven. The main feature is that by specifying the JAR library and version used in the project in the tag of the pom.xml file, the JAR is automatically downloaded from the outside and built automatically.

See below for details.

What is Apache Maven


1. Install Maven on your Mac

1-1. Check the installable Maven brew search maven

1-2. Install the latest Maven brew install [email protected]

1-3. Add to PATH (edit and execute ~ / .bash_profile)


MAVEN_HOME=/usr/local/opt/[email protected]

source ~/.bash_profile

1-4. Version check mvn --version

2. Set Maven in Eclipse

2-1. Open the [New Maven Runtime] dialog by selecting [Preferences]> [Maven]> [Install]> [Add].

2-2. Installation home: Set the path of "Maven home" displayed in "$ mvn — version" of 1.

2-3. Installation Home: Set an affordable name

2-4. Click the [Finish] button

3. Create a Maven project

3-1. [Package Explorer]> [New]> [Maven Project]> [Next]

3-2. Check [Use default workspace location], check [Create simple project]> [Next]

3-3. Enter the following and click [Finish] GroupId: Project root package name ArtifactId: Project name Version: Project version (this time the default version)

** This is complete! ** **

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