--Easy installation with brew
$ brew install sonarqube
--Maven is also installed with brew. So Java is the source for this analysis
$ brew install maven
--Postgre was already installed on my device, so create an account and skimmer --Account name: sonar --Password: sonar --Schema: sonar
--SonarQube settings
# sonar.properties location
$ pwd
# sonar.Properties settings
$ cat sonar.properties | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^$"
sonar.web.javaOpts=-Xmx512m -Xms128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
--Launch SonarQube
$ sonar start
--Access SonarQube with your browser
Previously, the setup didn't work and I was throwing it out, so this time I was upgrading from 7.2 to 7.3. Then, a message was displayed on the browser saying that the contents of the DB are also old and that you should upgrade. Again, I was in trouble because I didn't know how to do it, but when I looked at the log, a hint was output to the log. As supported, when I accessed / setup, the top page was displayed successfully ♪
$ pwd
$ tail sonar.log
Database must be upgraded. Please backup database and browse /setup
--Source analysis
#Move to the directory of the Eclipse project that has the source analysis target
cd "Project directory"
#Command execution for preparation
$ mvn clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent install -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true
#Source analysis command
$ mvn sonar:sonar
An error occurred with the "mvn sonar: sonar" command. When I ran it in debug mode, it turned out that it failed because the path was different. (/ Sonar is not attached)
$ mvn sonar:sonar -X
ERROR: Sonar server 'http://localhost:9000' can not be reached
Add the following to maven setting.xml and re-execute the command, then BUILD SUCCESS !!!
<!-- Optional URL to server. Default value is http://localhost:9000 -->
--I was able to confirm the analysis result on the browser. By the way, the login ID and path was admin.
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