I can't install rails on my mac

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I'm studying programming. I would like to summarize the knowledge I gained in the process of studying so that I will not forget it and help someone.

"Rails -v" doesn't work!

(base) hoge@MacBook-Pro ~ % rails -v
Rails is not currently installed on this system. To get the latest version, simply type:

    $ sudo gem install rails

You can then rerun your "rails" command.

I installed rails as I checked, but I get this error no matter how many times I run rails -v.


rbenv rehash

If you run this command and run rails -v again

(base) hoge@MacBook-Pro ~ % rails -v

It went well! !!


https://qiita.com/amuyikam/items/313bc89c1de320a4257e https://github.com/railsgirls-jp/coach.info/issues/32

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