You can use the wrapper provided by gensim.
gensim: models.wrappers.fasttext – FastText Word Embeddings
Model learning:
$ fasttext skipgram -input data.txt -output model
$ ls model*
model.bin model.vec
gensim installation:
$ pip install gensim
How to use:
>>> from gensim.models.wrappers.fasttext import FastText
>>> model = FastText.load_fasttext_format('model')
>>> model['Sales']
array([-0.03654 , 0.19302 , 0.2026 , 0.14026 , 0.06685 ,
0.10969 , -0.095857 , -0.20964 , -0.27291 , -0.33750001,
0.47084001, -0.030295 , -0.003683 , -0.10061 , 0.17308 ], dtype=float32)
>>> m.most_similar('Sales')
[('Sales position', 0.7841936945915222),
('Teleapo', 0.7670873403549194),
('Dive', 0.7659018039703369),
('Telephone sales', 0.7384717464447021),
The model learning itself can be done from the wrapper of gensim, but it seems that there is not much merit, so it is omitted.
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