Use LiquidTap Python Client ②

table of contents


Let's hit the API of "Liquid by Quoine" -Part 2-

Get "Orders" for "Liquid by Quoine"

Try to get the result of executing BTC / JPY ordering and canceling. (2020.02.07)

Write code

import liquidtap
import time

def order_callback(data):
    print("order:" + data)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    token = "API token ID"
    secret = "API token private key"

    tap = liquidtap.Client(token, secret)
    tap.subscribe("user_account_jpy_orders").bind('updated', order_callback)

    while True: #infinite loop


Run and try ordering and canceling from the trading tool.

$ python3

It was displayed! Since it is an infinite loop, press Ctrl + c to stop it.

This is what I ordered this time. order.png The image is small and it's Sumimasen.

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