Execute command from python


import subprocess
import sys

def exec_cmd(cmd):
    #Delete any spaces before or after the cmd string->Divide by space and make a list
    cmd_split = cmd.strip().split()
    #Get standard output with stdout settings
    cp = subprocess.run(cmd_split, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    # cp = subprocess.check_output(cmd_split)
    if cp.returncode != 0:
        print(f'{cmd_split[0]} faild.', file=sys.stderr)
    #Returns if there is standard output
    if cp.stdout is not None:
        return cp.stdout


Pass the command as it is as a string

cmd = 'touch file.py'

For lists, join () separated by spaces

files = ['file1.py', 'file2.py', 'file3.py', 'file4.py', 'file5.py']
files_sep_space = ' '.join(files)
cmd = f'touch {files_sep_space}'

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