Python naming convention (from PEP8)

Python has "PEP8: Python Code Style Guide", which also describes naming conventions such as variable names and function names. By matching the naming convention and coding style, you can reduce the burden on those who read the source code and those who review it. Please refer not only to the naming convention but also to the naming method described in "[Readable Code]( Readable Code)".


Use Naming convention
Private, private Add one underscore at the beginning
Avoid name collisions in subclasses Add two underscores at the beginning
Special properties, special methods Add two underscores before and after
(Because it is prepared in the language specification, do not define it yourself)
Avoid conflicts with reserved words and built-in function names Add one underscore at the end
Use Naming convention
package Short names in all lowercase, no underscores
module Short names, all lowercase, may be separated by underscores
Class, exception CapWords method (connect uppercase words only at the beginning, do not use underscores)
Functions, methods Only lowercase letters, separate words with underscores as needed
constant Uppercase only, words separated by underscore
variable Only lowercase letters, separate words with underscores as needed
1 character variable l (Lowercase el)、O (Uppercase O)、I(Uppercase eye)Never use
(Numbers depending on the font10Because it is indistinguishable)

Other than PEP8

Use Naming convention
Discard variable 1 underscore
(When variables are required for for loops and split assignments but not used)

Readable code


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