Install Python from source with Ansible

I would like to install Python 2.7.10 from source on CentOS using Ansible. This time it is Python, but if you use it, you can use it to install other libraries.

What you want to do (command)

Here's what I want to do. / usr / local / is specified as the installation destination, and / var / tmp / is specified as the temporary save destination of the source.

yum install gcc
wget -P /var/tmp/
tar xvzf /var/tmp/Python-2.7.10.tgz -C /var/tmp/
cd /var/tmp/Python-2.7.10/
./configure CFLAGS=-fPIC --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local/
make install
ln /usr/local/lib/ /lib64/

I'm also installing gcc as it may cause an error when I run configure. I installed it when I ran make install, but I got an error when I ran the installed Python, so I put a symbolic link at the end.

Reference: [Python error handling: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]( 17/114506)



- hosts: all
  become: yes

    - name: Install gcc
      yum: name=gcc state=latest

    - name: Create tmp directory
      file: path=/var/tmp/Python-2.7.10 state=directory

    - name: Download Python
      get_url: >
        LANG: C
        LC_ALL: C
        LC_MESSAGES: C

    - name: Unarchive Python
      unarchive: src=/var/tmp/Python-2.7.10.tgz dest=/var/tmp/ copy=no

    - name: Install Python
      command: >
        {{ item }}
        - './configure CFLAGS=-fPIC --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local/'
        - make
        - make install

    - name: Link Python lib
      file: src=/usr/local/lib/ dest=/lib64/ state=link


Install gcc

As mentioned above, if there is no gcc, an error will occur, so I installed it with yum.

Create tmp directory

When I ran ʻUnarchive Python` after this, I needed the destination directory, so I created it here in advance.

Download Python

Download the Python source. If it already exists, it will not be downloaded.

Unarchive Python

Unzip tgz. If copy = yes, it refers to the file of the host running Ansible. This time, I set copy = no because I want to refer to the file on the server. When I did this, I ran into the error'No such file or directory'even though the file should exist, so I added ʻenvironment`.

Reference: No such file or directory in Ansible unarchive

Install Python

Here, we just use command to execute configure, make, and make install. At that time, chdir is used to move to the directory where the source is located. I used these commands a lot, so I thought they were the default features of Ansible, but when I looked them up, I wasn't sure. If creates is specified and / usr / local / bin / python already exists, it will be skipped.

Link Python lib

A symbolic link is attached as a countermeasure for the error written at the beginning.

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