Hit treasure data from Python Pandas

Python and Treasure Data

At Treasure Data, our vision is to make it easier for analysts and decision makers to analyze data. Our service touches raw data with SQL, but if you want to do more complicated analysis or make use of existing scripts and tools, you will definitely want to reach out to R and Python.

Regarding R, it can be connected from the JDBC driver, and it is actually used by customers, but by the way, I wondered how to do it from Python the other day, and when I did a little research, it was shocking. The facts have been discovered.

~~ Treasure data does not have a Python Client! ~~ (UPDATE: ** Made by our ace pythonista **)

I haven't even tried to find a third party. This turns away from the data scientists who have Python / Pandas as their 18th.

However, a further shocking fact was discovered here.

** I found that I could get the result of a query thrown to treasure data as a Pandas dataframe by writing only 60 lines of python code. ** **

The following is a script written in 4 hours including API behavior check, Python review, and Pandas learning. This is also thanks to the REST API for treasure data ... not Python's requests library.

td-client-pandas in 60 lines

import requests
import msgpack
from time import sleep
import json
import pandas

class TreasureData:
    def __init__(self, apikey):
        self._apikey = apikey
        self._endpoint = 'https://api.treasuredata.com'
        self._base_headers = {"Authorization": "TD1 %s"%self._apikey}

    def query(self, database, query, **opts):
        job_id = self._query(database, query, **opts)

        while True:
            job = self._get_job(job_id)
            if job["status"] == 'success':
        return {"cursor": self.fetch_result(job_id),
                "schema": json.loads(job['hive_result_schema'])}

    def _get_job(self, job_id):
        request_url = "%s/v3/job/show/%d"%(self._endpoint, job_id)
        response = requests.get(request_url, headers=self._base_headers)
        return response.json()

    def fetch_result(self, job_id):
        request_url = "%s/v3/job/result/%d"%(self._endpoint, job_id)
        response = requests.get(request_url,

        unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker()
        for chunk in response.iter_content(8192):
        for unpacked in unpacker:
            yield unpacked

    def _query(self, database, query, **opts):
        if opts.has_key("engine") and opts["engine"] == "tqa":
            engine = "presto"
            engine = "hive"
        request_url = "%s/v3/job/issue/%s/%s"%(self._endpoint, engine, database)
        response = requests.post(request_url,
        job_id = int(response.json()["job_id"])
        return job_id

class TreasureDataConnector:
    def __init__(self, td_apikey):
        self._td_client = TreasureData(td_apikey)
        self._last_job_id = None

    def query(self, database, query, **opts):
        result = self._td_client.query(database, query, **opts)
        columns, _ = zip(*result['schema'])
        data = dict(zip(columns, [[] for _ in columns]))
        for row in result["cursor"]:
            for k, v in zip(columns, row):
        return pandas.DataFrame(data)

Actually it looks like this.

In [4]: conn = TreasureDataConnector("a05a6256ec6f32949d55271276777f502b53f7a2")

In [5]: df = conn.query('demo', 'select count(1) as foo, host from syslog group by host')

In [6]: df
   foo               host
0    1        pulchritude
1  782  pulchritude.local



To be honest, I'm an R and Excel person, so I'm not very familiar with Pandas (or rather, I wrote Python for the first time in 4 years). However, I was able to do it quickly, so I would like Pandas data scientists to try Treasure Data!

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