Load and execute command from yml in python

I wrote a program to read the command from the yml file, so I will post it. yml file

        command: ls -l
        type: ls

        command: ls -a
        type: ls

python code

import subprocess
import yaml

with open('sample.yml') as file:
    obj = yaml.safe_load(file)

cmd1 = obj['cmd1']['command']
types = obj['cmd1']['type']

print('The execution mode is', types,'is.')
subprocess.run(cmd1, shell=True)


cmd2 = obj['cmd2']['command']
types = obj['cmd2']['type']

print('The execution mode is', types,'is.')
subprocess.run(cmd2, shell=True)

Execution result

The run mode is ls.
ls -l
total 12
-rwxrwxrwx 1 guest guest 411 Nov  2 09:40 command.py
-rwxrwxrwx 1 guest guest 380 Nov  2 09:06 memo.md
-rwxrwxrwx 1 guest guest  92 Nov  2 09:27 sample.yml

The run mode is ls.
ls -a
.  ..  command.py  memo.md  sample.yml

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