[Automation with python! ] Part 2: File operation

At the beginning

Hello, it is delicious. This article is the second implementation commentary article of Because I don't want to deal with people with dirty desktops. It becomes. This time it may be a little short. If you want to know about the implementation, please see the article!

File operation part

I used regular expressions and shutil here.

Ingenuity 1: Let's extract the capture time from the file name!

The genius of mac screenshots is that the file name has a capture time! Thanks to this, I no longer have to install something like exiftool. The prefix contains the prefix that is added to the head when screenshot. For more information here!

path="Screenshot 2020-10-22 10.28.04.png "
cvtpath = re.compile(
        prefix + r"[\s\S]*?(\d{4}).(\d\d).(\d\d)[\s\D]*?(\d\d?).(\d\d).(\d\d)")
flag = re.search(cvtpath, path)
if flag is not None and len(flag.groups()) == 6:
    date = flag.groups()
    date = list(map(lambda x: int(x), date))

Trouble 1: How to get the day of the week

If you think about it, how do you know that you are at a certain time on a certain day of the week?

Solution: You can get the day of the week with datetime. All you have to do is make something like UNIX time!

day = dtdt(*date).strftime("%a") #You can get the day of the week
# print(day)
# > Thu
dateemb = date[3] * 60 + date[4] #Now that we have one value, we can compare it.
# print(dateemb)
# 628

Trouble 2: There is no os.mv!

Solution: If you don't have an os, just rely on shutil!

import shutil
shutil.move(oldpath, newdir)

At the end

Thank you for reading. The previous article is here

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