Solving Verbal Arithmetic (Ruby / Python Recreation)

At the beginning

Please see the following first.

$ ruby alphametics.rb 'SEND + MORE == MONEY'
9567 + 1085 == 10652
$ ruby alphametics.rb 'DO + YOU + FEEL == LUCKY'
57 + 870 + 9441 == 10368

No explanation is necessary for those who know it. Verbal arithmetic is a puzzle that is solved by replacing the alphabet with numbers in this way. Here's a quick rule.

This verbal solver uses == for the equal sign instead of = (the reason will be explained later). You can use not only addition but also addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation **. If there are multiple solutions, the first one found is displayed.

$ ruby alphametics.rb 'NORTH / SOUTH == EAST / WEST'
51304 / 61904 == 7260 / 8760
$ ruby alphametics.rb 'PI * R ** 2 == AREA'
PI * R ** 2 == AREA
96 * 7 ** 2 == 4704

Division uses the mathn library to perform strict fractional calculations.

This is based on the Python 3 version of the Verbal Arithmetic Solver in Dive Into Python 3 Chapter 8, and I think this is quite interesting. I made a Ruby version. There is a repository on github.

The original repository is as follows.

It has more source material and is based on the following Python 2 version. This version does not end with the first solution found and searches all solutions.

The Ruby version has only one difference from the Python version, and the first character 0 is allowed only when it is alone. The following example has no solution for the Python version, but has a solution for the Ruby version.

$ ruby alphametics.rb 'MALCOLM + X == MALCOLM'
1234531 + 0 == 1234531

Source program

The Ruby version of the Verbal Arithmetic Solver is as follows.


require 'set'
require 'mathn'

module Alphametics
  def solve(puzzle)
    puzzle = puzzle.upcase
    words = puzzle.scan /[A-Z]+/
    chars = words.join.each_char
    abort 'Too many letters' if chars.size > 10
    first_chars = {|w| w.size > 1 }.map {|w| w[0] }
    n = first_chars.size
    sorted_chars = first_chars.to_a.join + (chars - first_chars).to_a.join
    %w[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9].permutation(chars.size).each do |guess|
      next if guess[0, n].member? '0'
      expr = sorted_chars, guess.join
      return expr if eval expr

  include Alphametics
  ARGV.each do |arg|
    puts arg
    solution = solve arg
    puts solution if solution

The source program for Python 3 is on github.

If you say "Read Dive In Python 3", the explanation ends, but that's unfriendly, so I'll give you the point. The code corresponds almost 1: 1 to the Python version, so I will focus on the differences in the functions used.

The original Python2 version uses Python2's string.maketrans to generate the substitution table to pass to the translate argument. Python 3 has the same functionality, str.maketrans, which is faster and shorter in code.

However, Dive Into Python 3 does not use maketrans, but first generates an array of character codes characters and processes this withdict (zip (characters, quess)). Of course, the author must not be unaware of maketrans, and I think he does this for the purpose of explaining the internal workings.

Ruby, on the other hand, has a tr (from Perl), which is easier to write than Python.

Security precautions

It uses ʻeval` at the heart, so it's a security hole when used in web applications (this is also mentioned in Dive Into Python 3). Please use it for recreation in the local environment.

You can easily find the Web version of the Verbal Arithmetic Solver by searching for it. I found one made in Japan, so I will introduce it.

However, as far as I can see, all sites support only addition-only verbal arithmetic. This is also probably for security reasons.


The Dive Into Python 3 repository contains simple test code. So I created a Ruby version of the same functionality and ran it instead of the benchmark to compare the execution times (the README in the github repository has the full output of the test).

Execution time(Seconds)
Python3 5.134
Ruby 1.9.3 2.551
Ruby 2.0.0 3.839

Overall, the Ruby version tends to be a little faster. Here is another measurement example.

$ time python3 'EARTH + AIR + FIRE + WATER == NATURE'
67432 + 704 + 8046 + 97364 == 173546

real    0m35.305s
user    0m35.194s
sys     0m0.024s
$ rbenv local 1.9.3-p448        #ruby version change
$ time ruby alphametics.rb 'EARTH + AIR + FIRE + WATER == NATURE'
67432 + 704 + 8046 + 97364 == 173546

real    0m20.051s
user    0m19.921s
sys     0m0.040s
$ rbenv local 2.0.0-p247        #ruby version change
$ time ruby alphametics.rb 'EARTH + AIR + FIRE + WATER == NATURE'
67432 + 704 + 8046 + 97364 == 173546

real    0m24.925s
user    0m24.834s
sys     0m0.032s

I've tried a few other things, but there is a clear tendency for the Ruby version to be 1.5-2 times faster than the Python 3 version.

Python3 version makes the replacement table with dict (zip (...)) instead of maketrans. I thought this might be the cause, so I changed the Python3 version and made a source that uses maketrans and tried it. However, when measured and compared, the improvement effect was about 2-3%, which was not as much as I expected. It seems that Ruby is faster for this kind of processing.

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