QGIS3 Python plugin development environment construction with VSCode (macOS)

This is a memo when creating an environment for developing and remote debugging QGIS plugins on VSCode. The environment is as follows.

It's not very bright in QGIS or Python, so that's one good thing.

Install QGIS

Install with the installer downloaded from Official Site or Homebrew Cask.

$ brew cask install qgis

I have installed the latest version (Version 3.12.3).

Suddenly try to make a QGIS plugin

Plugin Development of GIS Practice Open Teaching Material Use Plugin Builder 3 to create a test plugin by referring to the materials / python / 10/10.html) page.

The location to export the plugin is the default profile plugin directory (* / Users / username / Library / Application Support / QGIS / QGIS3 / profiles / default / python / plugins *).

At the stage of plug-in generation, an error stating that there is no resource compiler is displayed, but for the time being, it is written out. pyrcc5 error

Install PyQt

Now that you need pyrcc5, install PyQt with Homebrew.

$ brew install pyqt

The dependency requires [email protected], but if the resources of the plugin created earlier can be compiled, it's OK for the time being.

$ cd /Users/xxx/Library/Application\ Support/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/plugin_test
$ pyrcc5 -o resources.py resources.qrc

Activate the created plug-in from the "Plug-in"-> "Plug-in management and installation ..." menu, and check until it can be executed. テストプラグインの起動

Install Python Tools for Visual Studio debug server

I want to install ptvsd, a Python debugger package for VS / VSCode, but I don't have the pip for Python that comes with QGIS ...

So first go to the PyPI ptvsd package page and download * ptvsd-4.3.2.zip * from Download files.

Extract the archive and copy the * ptvsd * folder in * ptvsd-4.3.2 / src * under * / Applications / QGIS3.12.app / Contents / Resources / python *.

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ unzip ptvsd-4.3.2.zip
$ cd ptvsd-4.3.2/src
$ cp -r ptvsd /Applications/QGIS3.12.app/Contents/Resources/python

Restart QGIS and install the debugvs plugin. After installation, select [Enable Debug Visual Studio] from the plugin menu or the button on the toolbar. debugvs

OK if the message "Remote Debug for Visual Studio is running" is displayed. Remote Debug for Visual Studio is running

Remote debugging from VSCode

Start VSCode using the plugin directory you created earlier as a workspace.

$ cd /Users/xxx/Library/Application\ Support/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/plugin_test
$ code .

Specifying Python interpreter

Run Python: Select Interpreter from the command palette Select Interpreter

Select "Enter interpreter path ..." and specify * / Applications / QGIS3.12.app / Contents / MacOS / bin / python3 * directly Enter path

The settings will be written to * .vscode / settings.json *.


  "python.pythonPath": "/Applications/QGIS3.12.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/python3"

Add debug configuration

Select Run> Add Configuration ... menu to add the configuration for remote debugging.

Environment selection: Python Debug Configuration: Remote Attach Enter the host name: localhost Enter the port number that ... (Omitted): 5678

The configuration will be added to * .vscode / launch.json *. If it is left as it is, it will not work well, so modify the value of remoteRoot of pathMappings to "$ {workspaceFolder}".


  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Python:attach",
      "type": "python",
      "request": "attach",
      "port": 5678,
      "host": "localhost",
      "pathMappings": [
          "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
          "remoteRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"

Now when you start debugging with "Run"-> "Start Debugging" etc., it will be attached to the QGIS Python debug server. You can check that debugging is possible by setting a breakpoint in the code and executing the plugin. Break Point

I have a feeling that it will be possible to develop in a familiar environment.

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