Introduced sip-4.14 in python3.2.2 environment with MacOS 10.7.4

Perhaps easy_install, pip, and brew all result in an error from the package. .. ..

It seems that you need to build it yourself Procedure for the time being Download the latest version of compression (4.14 at this point) with tar.gz from.

On the shell screen

tar zxvf sip-4.14.tar.gz
cd ./sip-4.14
python3.2 ./ --arch=x86_64
make install

Maybe will give an error. I was. Error: SIP requires Python to be built as a framework The solution is based on the results of various searches Than. It's about line 1490 in and line 1600 in under ./sip-4.14


            if "Python.framework" not in dl:
                error("SIP requires Python to be built as a framework")

If you comment out with # at the beginning of the line, it will pass, maybe.

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