Collecting information from Twitter with Python (Environment construction)

System to make this time


I will try to build a system to crawl information from Twitter, format the information, and store it in the DB. For the time being, create a test environment on the virtual environment using Vagrant as an experiment.

Building an environment around a virtual machine

Installing VirtualBox

Install the latest version from

Create a virtual environment from Vagrant.

Install Vagrant

Download and install the latest version from

Virtual machine creation

Create a virtual environment with Vagrant.

$ mkdir -p ~/vagrant/debian7_twitter
$ vagrant box add debian7.6_twitter
$ vagrant init debian7.6_twitter
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh

You can now log in to your virtual environment.

If you want to exit, after logging out

$ vagrant halt

You can end with. After that, under the directory where the virtual environment was created, You can log in to this environment at any time with vagrant up-> vagrant ssh.

Settings around Python

Python Python 2.7.3 is installed by default, so use it.

$ Python -V
Python 2.7.3

virtualenv Use virtualenv to manage the modules to be used on a project-by-project basis.


Use apt.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-virtualenv

Switching Python environment with virtualenv

Move to any working directory and execute the following command.

$ virtualenv twi-py

This will create a twi-py directory in the current directory, and an independent Python environment will be created here. Move to the created directory and execute the following command.

$ source bin/activate

If (twi-py) ... is added at the beginning of the shell prompt, the environment has been switched to twi-py.

To exit the specific module environment and return to the default, execute the following command.

$ deactivate 

After that, install MeCab related modules in this twi-py environment.

Settings around MeCab

Installation of MeCab main unit

Use apt.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y install mecab
$ sudo apt-get -y install mecab-ipadic-utf8
$ sudo update-alternatives --config mecab-dictionary # ipadic-Check if it is utf8

Install MeCab's Python binding (mecab-python)

Install the required libraries with apt.

$ sudo apt-get -y install python-dev
$ sudo apt-get -y install libmecab-dev
$ sudo apt-get -y install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get -y install g++

Install the version of Python bindings for Debian 7 wheezy under the twi-py environment.

(twi-py)$ pip install

Operation check of MeCab and Python

Let's morphologically analyze "Sumomomo Momomo".

$ Python
>>> import MeCab
>>> mecab = MeCab.Tagger("-Ochasen")
>>> print mecab.parse("Of the thighs and thighs")
Plum Sumomo Noun-General
Momo particle-Particle
Peach peach noun-General
Momo particle-Particle
Peach peach noun-General
Nono particle-Attributive
Uchi Uchi Noun-Non-independent-Adverbs possible


I was able to analyze it properly.

Now we have all the tools to realize the system we will make this time.

MySQL settings


Install using apt.

MySQL settings


Install using apt.

$ sudo apt-get -y install libmysqlclient-dev
$ sudo apt-get -y install mysql-server-5.5

During installation, you will be asked to set a root password, so enter vagrant.

Operation check

Log in as the root user.

$ mysql -u root -pvagrant
mysql> SELECT user,host,password FROM mysql.user; 
| user             | host                             | password                                  |
| root             | localhost                        | *04E6E1273D1783DF7D57DC5479FE01CFFDFD0058 |
| root             | packer-virtualbox-iso-1411922062 | *04E6E1273D1783DF7D57DC5479FE01CFFDFD0058 |
| root             |                        | *04E6E1273D1783DF7D57DC5479FE01CFFDFD0058 |
| root             | ::1                              | *04E6E1273D1783DF7D57DC5479FE01CFFDFD0058 |
| debian-sys-maint | localhost                        | *A5B3FEE41C7F1F2C147B4876D39D6A4F65E79B7D |

It worked safely.

Install a Python module to access MySQL

Installed under the twi-py environment.

(twi-py)$ pip install MySQL-python

Operation check

$ python
>>> import MySQLdb

If there is no error with this, it is OK.


Now you have all the tools you need. From now on, we will create a crawl part, an information molding part, a store part in the DB, etc. Those articles will come later.

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