Install mecab-python on CentOS

Verification environment

CentOS release 6.5 (Final) Python 2.7.6


mecab 0.996 ipadic 2.7.0

install meacb

$ cd /var/tmp
$ curl -O
$ tar zxfv mecab-0.996.tar.gz
$ cd mecab-0.996
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

ipadic installation

$ cd /var/tmp
$ curl -O
$ tar zxfv mecab-ipadic-2.7.0-20070801.tar.gz
$ cd mecab-ipadic-2.7.0-20070801
$ ./configure --with-charset=utf8
$ make
$ sudo make install

install mecab-python

$ cd /var/tmp
$ curl -O
$ tar zxfv mecab-python-0.996.tar.gz
$ cd mecab-python-0.996

Modify the following files for Troubleshooting 1

$ vi

Before correction




Below, the file before modification

#!/usr/bin/env python

from distutils.core import setup,Extension,os
import string

def cmd1(str):
    return os.popen(str).readlines()[0][:-1]

def cmd2(str):
    return string.split (cmd1(str))

setup(name = "mecab-python",
        version = cmd1("mecab-config --version"),
        ext_modules = [
                        include_dirs=cmd2("mecab-config --inc-dir"),
                        library_dirs=cmd2("mecab-config --libs-only-L"),
                        libraries=cmd2("mecab-config --libs-only-l"))

Corrected file

#!/usr/bin/env python

from distutils.core import setup,Extension,os
import string

def cmd1(str):
    return os.popen(str).readlines()[0][:-1]

def cmd2(str):
    return string.split (cmd1(str))

setup(name = "mecab-python",
        version = cmd1("/var/tmp/mecab-0.996/mecab-config --version"),
        ext_modules = [
                        include_dirs=cmd2("/var/tmp/mecab-0.996/mecab-config --inc-dir"),
                        library_dirs=cmd2("/var/tmp/mecab-0.996/mecab-config --libs-only-L"),
                        libraries=cmd2("/var/tmp/mecab-0.996/mecab-config --libs-only-l"))

Build python-mecab

$ python build

Install python-mecab

$ python install


Fix for Troubleshooting 2

Make sure you have

$ ls /usr/local/lib/

Add / usr / local / lib to

$ vi /etc/

Corrected file


Reflect the settings in

$ sudo ldconfig

run mecab-python test

$ cd /var/tmp/mecab-python-0.996
$ python 

Execution result

Taro noun,Proper noun,Personal name,Name,*,*,Taro,Taro,Taro
Is a particle,Particle,*,*,*,*,Is,C,Wow
This adnominal adjective,*,*,*,*,*,this,this,this
Book noun,General,*,*,*,*,Book,Hong,Hong
Particles,Case particles,General,*,*,*,To,Wo,Wo
Two nouns,number,*,*,*,*,two,D,D
Ro noun,General,*,*,*,*,Ro,Rowe,Low
Particles,Case particles,General,*,*,*,To,Wo,Wo
Verb,Independence,*,*,One step,Continuous form,to see,Mi,Mi
Auxiliary verb,*,*,*,Special,Uninflected word,Ta,Ta,Ta
Feminine noun,General,*,*,*,*,Female,Josei,Josei
Particles,Case particles,General,*,*,*,To,D,D
Passing verb,Independence,*,*,Godan / Sa line,Continuous form,hand over,I,I
Auxiliary verb,*,*,*,Special,Uninflected word,Ta,Ta,Ta
.. symbol,Kuten,*,*,*,*,。,。,。

Taro noun,Proper noun,Personal name,Name,*,*,Taro,Taro,Taro
Is a particle,Particle,*,*,*,*,Is,C,Wow
This adnominal adjective,*,*,*,*,*,this,this,this
Book noun,General,*,*,*,*,Book,Hong,Hong
Particles,Case particles,General,*,*,*,To,Wo,Wo
Two nouns,number,*,*,*,*,two,D,D
Ro noun,General,*,*,*,*,Ro,Rowe,Low
Particles,Case particles,General,*,*,*,To,Wo,Wo
Verb,Independence,*,*,One step,Continuous form,to see,Mi,Mi
Auxiliary verb,*,*,*,Special,Uninflected word,Ta,Ta,Ta
Feminine noun,General,*,*,*,*,Female,Josei,Josei
Particles,Case particles,General,*,*,*,To,D,D
Passing verb,Independence,*,*,Godan / Sa line,Continuous form,hand over,I,I
Auxiliary verb,*,*,*,Special,Uninflected word,Ta,Ta,Ta
.. symbol,Kuten,*,*,*,*,。,。,。
filename: /usr/local/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic/sys.dic
charset: utf8
size: 392126
type: 0
lsize: 1316
rsize: 1316
version: 102

trouble shooting

Troubleshooting 1

$ python build


$ python build
sh: mecab-config: command not found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 13, in <module>
    version = cmd1("mecab-config --version"),
  File "", line 7, in cmd1
    return os.popen(str).readlines()[0][:-1]
IndexError: list index out of range

Reference page: Install MeCab & mecab-python Part 1

Troubleshooting 2

$ python 


ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reference page: Extracting important words from Wikipedia by TF / IDF using Mecab Python

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