[PYTHON] Install aws-cli on MacPorts

It was officially released before I knew it, so I will summarize it



Check installed Python
$ sudo port installed | grep py
  git-core @1.8.4_0+credential_osxkeychain+doc+pcre+python27 (active)
  python27 @2.7.5_1 (active)
・ ・ ・
Install pip corresponding to python version with macports (enter because setuptools also depends)
$ sudo port install py27-pip
Install the pip module from your package management system
$ sudo easy_install pip
install aws-cli
$ sudo pip install awscli 


Enable autocomplete for subcommands
 $ complete -C aws_completer aws
Check aws settings
  1. Open the AWS Management Console
  2. Check the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key with Security Credentials, etc.
  3. Check the region name from Availability Zone Status of EC2 Dashboard (example: value with the end of ap-northeast-1a, ap-northeast-1 is the region name)
Do either method
For Environment variables
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key>
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret_key>
For Config file

With this method, you can write for each environment by specifying porfile.

aws_access_key_id=<default access key>
aws_secret_access_key=<default secret key>
# Optional, to define default region for this profile.
region=<Region name>

[profile testing]
aws_access_key_id=<testing access key>
aws_secret_access_key=<testing secret key>
region=<Region name>
$ export AWS_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/config_file
For IAM Role

If you install and use aws-cli on your EC2 instance, and you are using IAM, it seems that it will automatically use your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Try it out

Environment variables, IAM Role
$ aws ec2 describe-instance-status --region <Region name>
For Config file
$ aws ec2 describe-instance-status --profile=testing

Official site


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