Make an android app. (Day 5)

I have been studying with the following text since the other day.

*** Technical MASTER First Android App Development 2nd Edition Android Studio 2 Compatible *** TECHNICAL MASTER はじめてのAndroidアプリ開発 第2版 Android Studio 2対応

Text box

Show hints

   android:hint="Please enter your name."

Input widget

//Spinner acquisition
        Spinner sp = (Spinner)findViewById(;
        //Register an event spinner for a spinner
        sp.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener(){
            public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
                Spinner sp = (Spinner)parent;
                //Get a selection and display its value in toast
                        String.format("Choices:%s", sp.getSelectedItem()),

            //Processing when the item is not selected (empty this time)
            public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parent){}



To get the date

SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd", Locale.JAPAN);

** Caution **: The month should be capitalized as MM. It is strange if it is lowercase.

I tried to make something

With what I've done so far, I tried to make something like an app.

Illustration shop image search app

I wanted to be able to display the keyword search results of the illustration shop in WebView. However, it cannot be displayed as ʻERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED`. .. .. エラー ~~ If you have a kind hearted person, please let me know because posted to tetail! ~~ I received an answer from teratail, but the code itself was correct, and it was *** a network environment problem ***.

Rock-paper-scissors app

At the same time as pressing the gu, choki, and par buttons, the rock-paper-scissors results of yourself and COM are displayed. I tried to make an app that counts the history of wins and losses at the top. However, due to time constraints, we couldn't reach the point where we could calculate the judgment result, so we carried it over to a later date. スクリーンショット 2018-04-03 14.23.24.png


I tried to make an app, but I realized that I wasn't ready to make anything yet. From the next time, we will proceed to Chapter 4 and learn how to make a list.

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