[PYTHON] CSV output of pulse data with Raspberry Pi (CSV output)

Procedures and links

  1. Preparation and basics http://qiita.com/tkyko13/items/62ff91bce7d9e555c434
  2. Analog input confirmation http://qiita.com/tkyko13/items/981989a006a95821ccde
  3. Check with python http://qiita.com/tkyko13/items/44ca53b027fa249acdc6
  4. Pulse sensor http://qiita.com/tkyko13/items/e4afc73add81d7bbb426
  5. csv output here

CSV with python

If you search, you will find many reference articles. I also referred to it from the following URL. http://qiita.com/okadate/items/c36f4eb9506b358fb608 First, put a simple sample code regardless of the pulse sensor. If you do this, data.csv will be created in the same folder as this python code, and the numbers from 0 to 99 will be lined up vertically. Finally, make this number the pulse rate.


import csv

f = open('data.csv', 'w')

for i in range(0, 100):
    writer = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')


If you can confirm that it works, instead of using the for statement, match it with the sample code created in "3. Confirm with python" two times before.


import smbus
import time
import threading
import csv

I2C_ADDRESS = 0x48

bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
f = open('data.csv', 'w')

def loop(count):

    count = count+1
    bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDRESS, 0xFF)
    value = bus.read_byte(I2C_ADDRESS)
    print value

    writer = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')

    if count < 100 :
        t = threading.Timer(0.1, loop, args=(count,))
    else :
        print 'finish'

t = threading.Thread(target=loop, args=(0,))

Pulse measurement

Now, when the pulse sensor can be wired (last time) and the above python code can be executed, we will measure it. The trick is to release your finger a little.

csv data transfer

If you can safely create csv data in Raspberry Pi, you are successful. Transfer data to your PC. The method is free, but I used ftp software (Cyberduck because it is a mac). It is also possible to insert a USB memory into the Raspberry Pi.

Open the data in Excel and insert the graph

It seems that my data wasn't working. Below is a graph image comparing when the finger is placed and when it is not placed at all.

スクリーンショット 2016-02-23 18.42.38.png

Wiring, environment, data acquisition interval too wide ... If hoe ... is already dead ...?


Whatever the result, this is a semi-forced end. Improvement I would like to continue to improve. It's been a long time, but thank you for your hard work.

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