[PYTHON] I sent the data of Raspberry Pi to GCP (free)

I sent the data of Raspberry Pi to GCP (free)

I wanted to create a mechanism to store Raspberry Pi data in MySQL and check it on the Web. For those who want to set up a server on a VPS and exchange data.

Development environment

About GCP

Abbreviation for Google Cloud Platform, a cloud computing service provided by Google.


See here for how to get started with GCP


About Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

--Install Ubuntu (version not specified) from Microsoft Store ――It seems that the latest version will be automatically updated. --Home directory is / home / [creation user name] / --Powershell is / mnt / c / Users / [username] / --Move to / mnt / c / Users / [user name] / with the cd command and start working

Set up a web server

--Creating a GCP project --Set up a VM of your favorite OS (I am Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)


--Perform SSH authentication (for accessing from Windows)

scp ~/.ssh/[Public key] [username]@[IP of the forwarding server]:~/.ssh/

--Installing apache2

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
curl http://[External IP]

--Firefall settings (ufw installation and settings)

sudo ufw enable
#TCP you are using/Examine the UDP port
sudo ufw status
#Also possible with nmap
sudo nmap -sTU localhost
#Port release (rule registration)
sudo ufw allow [Port number you want to allow]
#Delete rule
sudo ufw status numbered
sudo ufw delete [number]
sudo ufw disable

DB construction (MySQL)

sudo apt install mysql-server mysql-client
#Service start confirmation
sudo service mysql status
#MySQL initialization
sudo mysql_secure_installation
#Connect to MySQL server from console
sudo mysql -u root -p

--Confirmation of MySQL user information, etc.

#Status display
mysql> status
#Database list display
mysql> show database;
#User list display
mysql> select user, host from mysql.user;
#Confirmation of authority of a specific user (ex)User: root,Host name: localhost)
mysql> show grants for 'root'@'localhost';
mysql> exit


--Actually build --This time, create two fields, acquisition time and temperature data.

sudo mysql
#Creating a database
mysql> create database [db_name]
mysql> show databases;
#Move database
mysql> use [db_name]
#Creating a table (no need for a single coat)
mysql> create table [tbl_name]( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 
    -> temp float NOT NULL,
mysql> show tables from [db_name];
mysql> show columns from [tbl_name];
| Field | Type      | Null | Key | Default           | Extra                       |
| id    | int(11)   | NO   | PRI | NULL              | auto_increment              |
| ts    | timestamp | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
| temp  | float     | NO   |     | NULL              |                             |
3 rows in set


--There seems to be a way to access MySQL directly from the outside. - https://qiita.com/yoshiokaCB/items/df4ae185be7cbc4f03ac

Creating a program

PHP preferences

--Install PHP

#If it is not the latest version, this is OK (the latest is ver7).3, in case of apt ver7.2)
sudo apt install php

--The document root (HTML that apache sends to the browser) is / var / www / html / --Change permissions --PHP operation check is possible with phpinfo

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Confirmation of access from PHP to DB (MySQL)

--PHP Data Objects (PDO) * PDO is used this time --Abstract database access from PHP

//Create an object of PDO class
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=[db_name];charset=utf8', '[username]', '[password]', array(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false));
}catch(PDOException $e){
exit('Database connection failed.'.$e->getMessage());
//DB processing
    case 'GET':
        $st = $pdo->query("select * from [table name]");
        echo json_encode($st->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));

    case 'POST':
        $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
        $st = $pdo->prepare("insert into [table name](ts,temp)values(:datetime,:temp)");
        header('Content-Type: application/json');
        echo json_encode("end");

Data transmission process from Raspberry Pi to PHP (Python)

# coding: utf-8
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime

def main():

    url = 'http://[External IP]/[program name].php'
    #Temperature acquisition process
    temp = #value

    data = {'datetime':datetime.now().strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),'temp':temp}
    #Encode data in JSON format
    #Send a POST request in JSON format(I want a json format response, so Content-type specification)
    response = requests.post(url, json.dumps(data), headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'})    #If returned correctly, response will be populated

if __name__ == '__main__':

I want to make good use of sensor data and link with the cloud ...

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