[PYTHON] I tried to get the location information of Odakyu Bus


I attached an LCD on the Raspberry Pi (planned to be a separate article), Sometimes the morning bus is late, sometimes on time I was wondering when to leave the front door, so Odakyu Bus Operation Information To scrape and display.


I scraped it with Beatiiful Soup. With just a CSS selector to get the estimated arrival time It just doesn't work, is it the following power technique? of It has become a very dirty code.


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
import urllib.request as req

def busstop():
    url="https://odakyu.bus-navigation.jp/wgsys/wgs/bus.htm?tabName=searchTab&selectedLandmarkCatCd=&from=[Bus stop to get on]&fromType=1&to=[Get off at the bus stop]&toType=1&locale=ja&fromlat=&fromlng=&tolat=&tolng=&fromSignpoleKey=&routeLayoutCd=&bsid=1&fromBusStopCd=&toBusStopCd=&mapFlag=false&existYn=N&routeKey=&nextDiagramFlag=&diaRevisedDate=&timeTableDirevtionCd="
    #data=soup.select("#buslist > div > div>table:nth-of-type(2)")



    for tr in tr_list:
        if current<4:
            for td in td_list:
                cell = td.get_text()
                if current==3:


    if final_arrange_list==None:
       final_arrange_list=result_list[1].split(' ')

By the way, the calling part is

   nowtime_dt=datetime.strptime(time.ctime(time.time()),'%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
   payload7="Next bus in "+str(next_bus_time.seconds/60)
   payload8="Next bus@ "+str(busstop())
   lcd_string(payload7, LCD_LINE_1)
   lcd_string(payload8, LCD_LINE_2)

It's pretty clunky. The estimated time of arrival of the bus is only hours, so If you simply subtract from UNIX time, the number of years will be negative, I only use it anyway, so I divide it.

I think I can write them a little better. .. If you move for the time being, it's divisible.

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