[PYTHON] I want to plot the location information of GTFS Realtime on Jupyter! (With balloon)


The current location of the bus can be seen from Google Map, but let's map it by yourself. Let's display it on python using a web map display plugin called folium. The map icon is clickable and can also display detailed information.



from google.transit import gtfs_realtime_pb2
import urllib.request, urllib.error
import folium
import pandas as pd

#GTFS-Public URL of RT(Uno Bus)
url ='http://www3.unobus.co.jp/GTFS/GTFS_RT-VP.bin'
#Declaration of column name
list_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id' , 'vehicle_id', 'trip_id','vehicle_timestamp','longitude','latitude','occupancy_status'])
feed = gtfs_realtime_pb2.FeedMessage()

#Data download and format conversion
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as res: #Data download
    feed.ParseFromString(res.read()) #Deserialize protocol buffers
    for entity in feed.entity:
        tmp_se = pd.Series( [
              entity.id,                         #Vehicle ID
              entity.vehicle.vehicle.id,         #Vehicle number
              entity.vehicle.trip.trip_id,       #Route number?
              entity.vehicle.timestamp,          #Vehicle time
              entity.vehicle.position.longitude, #Vehicle latitude
              entity.vehicle.position.latitude,  #Vehicle longitude
              entity.vehicle.occupancy_status   #Congestion degree
        ], index=list_df.columns )
        list_df = list_df.append( tmp_se, ignore_index=True )

#Calculate the center point of the map
average_pos = list_df.mean()
#Create a map near the center coordinates
m = folium.Map(location=[average_pos['latitude'], average_pos['longitude']], zoom_start=11)
#Plot each bus(The color is blue)
list_df.apply(lambda row:
                 location=[row['latitude'], row['longitude']],
                 popup='<table border="1"><tr><th>occupancy_status</th></tr><tr><td>'
                 icon=folium.Icon(color='blue',icon='bus', prefix='fa')
             ).add_to(m), axis=1)


The downloaded real-time location information is plotted on the map

スクリーンショット 2020-08-08 22.43.47.png

The timing of execution is past 22:30, but the bus is still running. .. ..

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