[GO] Until you insert data into a spreadsheet in Python

I wanted to operate google spreadsheet from python, so I summarized the procedure to authenticate google and add it to the cell.

Create a service account

Create a google apis service account by using the URL below. Authenticate with service account and get data from Google Spreadsheet

Install module

Install the modules ʻoauth2clientandgspread` for google api authentication and spreadsheet manipulation.

$ pip3 install oauth2client
$ pip3 install gspread

Creating a class for authentication

Create an intersection class so that it can be used by multiple classes.


import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

scope = ['https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds',

credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('path/to/google-service-account.json'), scope)
client = gspread.authorize(credentials)

Create a spreadsheet insert function


from datetime import date
from google_service_account import client

class GoogleSpreadsheetService:
    def edit_cells(self):
        spreadsheet = client.open('sample') #Specify the name of the spreadsheet you want to work with
        worksheet = spreadsheet.worksheet('Annual bonuses') #Specify the sheet
        data = ['{0:%Y-%m-%d}'.format(date.today()), Hello, World] #Data you want to insert
        worksheet.append_row(data) #Insert data in last line

All you have to do is call GoogleSpreadsheetService.edit_cells () when you want to insert it.


I formatted it according to the Date format so that it would be treated as a date, but the inserted date data was treated as just a character string.


data = ['{0:%Y-%m-%d}'.format(date.today()), Hello, World]
worksheet.append_row(data) #It will be treated as just a character string

This was avoided by specifying value_input_option ='USER_ENTERED'.


data = ['{0:%Y-%m-%d}'.format(date.today()), Hello, World]
worksheet.append_row(data, value_input_option='USER_ENTERED')

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