Hash in Perl is a dictionary in Python

Hash in Perl is a dictionary in Python

-Stores Key and value as a set.

To be honest, I'm not familiar with Perl's hash features.

Dictionaries in Python x = {"book":"Yomitai", "hon":3} Define key: value in {} like.


kiri = {"price":20, "number":12}
for key in kiri:

for key, value in kiri.items(): You can get the dictionary key and value as a set by using the items method. At that time, str (value) may be used instead of str (kiri [key]).

In addition, format can be used for simplicity.


kiri = {"price":20, "number":12}
for key, value in kiri.items():
    print("{0}:{1}".format(key, value))

(Maybe add)

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