Python is UnicodeEncodeError in CodeBox docker

I built CodeBox by referring to the article here. I'm glad that the collaboration worked without any problems, but when I used Japanese in Python as shown below, ** UnicodeEncodeError ** died and was in trouble.

print u"Hello World"

I thought it was around LANG or locale and tried various things, but it didn't work. Finally, I set the PYTHONENCODING environment variable to solve the problem. The original article is almost the same I decided to run it with the following docker-compose.yml.

  image: busybox:buildroot-2014.02
    - /home/dockers/data/codebox:/workspace
  image: 'javierprovecho/docker-codebox'
    - 9000:8000
    - LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
    - data00codebox

It may not be so much, but I hope it helps someone.

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