[PYTHON] Install miniconda on chromebook (using chromebrew + git)

I noticed that git can be inserted directly with chromebrew, so I created it. It may be smarter than this. Since chromeos has various authority problems, a little change ball is required. chromebook uses ASUS C300MA

Install chromebrew

This goes in quickly Reference URL

wget -q -O - https://raw.github.com/skycocker/chromebrew/master/install.sh | bash
sudo chown -R chronos:chronos /usr/local

Fill in / usr / local / bin /

0h              cpp          gettext             ld         msginit          pod2latex          pyvenv           testrb
2to3            crew         gettextize          ld.bfd     msgmerge         pod2man            pyvenv-3.3       tic
2to3-3.3        curl         gettext.sh          ldd        msgunfmt         pod2text           rake             toe
a2p             curl-config  git                 less       msguniq          pod2usage          ranlib           tput
addr2line       diff         git-cvsserver       lessecho   mtrace           podchecker         rdoc             tset
ar              diff3        gitk                lesskey    ncurses5-config  podselect          readelf          tzselect
as              elfedit      git-receive-pack    libnetcfg  ngettext         prove              recode-sr-latin  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-c++
autopoint       enc2xs       git-shell           locale     nm               psed               reset            x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++
c++             envsubst     git-upload-archive  localedef  objcopy          pstruct            ri               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc
c2ph            erb          git-upload-pack     make       objdump          ptar               rpcgen           x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc-4.8.1
captoinfo       find2perl    gprof               makedb     pcprofiledump    ptardiff           ruby             x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc-ar
catchsegv       g++          h2ph                msgattrib  perl             ptargrep           s2p              x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc-nm
c++filt         gcc          h2xs                msgcat     perl5.18.1       pydoc3             sdiff            x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlib
clear           gcc-ar       iconv               msgcmp     perlbug          pydoc3.3           shasum           xgettext
cmp             gcc-nm       idle3               msgcomm    perldoc          python             size             xmlwf
config_data     gcc-ranlib   idle3.3             msgconv    perlivp          python3            sotruss          xsubpp
corelist        gcov         infocmp             msgen      perlthanks       python3.3          splain           xtrace
cpan            gem          infotocap           msgexec    piconv           python3.3-config   sprof            zipdetails
cpan2dist       gencat       instmodsh           msgfilter  pl2pm            python3.3m         strings
cpanp           getconf      irb                 msgfmt     pldd             python3.3m-config  strip
cpanp-run-perl  getent       json_pp             msggrep    pod2html         python3-config     tabs

Install pyenv

git clone https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv.git /usr/local/bin/.pyenv
git clone https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv-update.git /usr/local/bin/.pyenv/plugins/pyenv-update

If it is directly under ~ /, you cannot install it after that, so change the location.

Add magic to .bashrc.

echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="/usr/local/bin/.pyenv"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Installation of miniconda

I can't write to / tmp, so when I try to put it in normally, I get the following error. python-build: TMPDIR=/tmp cannot hold executables (partition possibly mounted with noexec) Refer to Example of rvenv and specify TMPDIR to enter. I don't have SSD, so I use miniconda.

cd /usr/local/bin
TMPDIR="${PWD}/tmp" pyenv install miniconda3-latest
pyenv global miniconda3-latest
pyenv rehash

Now you can use both conda and pip, so you can freely create a python environment.

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