What to do if you change the Listen Address from the settings screen with Mattermost docker


This article is mattermost / mattermost-docker What to do if you change the Listen Address from the setting screen in team edition v5.28.1 and you can not start up It is described.


As shown below, the Nginx reverse proxy was configured to skip the access that came to port 80/443 to port 8065 of Mattermost.


However, when I looked at the system console, the Listen Address was **: 8000 **, so I thought it was strange and rewrote it to **: 8065 **.

Screenshot from 2020-11-03 22-31-37.png

After that, when I rewrote the docker settings and restarted, mattermost did not start up.

Official Knwon Issue also states that it should not be rewritten as follows.

Do not modify the Listen Address in Service Settings.


Even if the docker image of Mattermost does not work well after changing the settings, the container itself will start up. So I will work inside the container while it is running. The shell is ash because docker image is based on alpine Linux. mm_container_name is Mattemost's container name.

docker exec -it <mm_container_name> /bin/ash

If you can attach to the shell internally, rewrite config / config.json as follows

cd config
sed -i -e 's/:8065/:8000/' config.json

When you finish writing, exit Shell and restart the docker container and it will be restored.

Correct setting

Mattermost's Official Document has the following description.

To improve the production use of Mattermost with Docker, the docker image is now running a as non-root user and listening on port 8000. Please read the upgrade instructions for important changes to existing installations.

So, it is said that the port normally used is 8000, so change the Reverse Proxy setting of Nginx.

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