What to do if you get Application with name appName is already registered. When you try to start GlassFish

--Environment - OS : Windows7 - Eclipse : Kepler Service Release 2 - GlassFish : 4.1.1


When I started GlassFish in Eclipse, I got an error and couldn't start it.

Error displayed in the dialog

cannot Deploy appName
deploy is failing=Error occurred during deployment: Application with name appName is already registered. Either specify that redeployment must be forced, or redeploy the application. Or if this is a new deployment, pick a different name. Please see server.log for more details.

Cause unknown

ʻThe application named appName is already registered. Even if it says `... No matter how many times I delete the application under GlassFish and clean it, it doesn't work ...

How to respond

  1. Stop GlassFish.
  2. Get the domain.xml of someone who successfully deployed the same application.
  3. Open the domain.xml you received.
  4. Copy the following.

Received domain.xml

    <application .......Each setting value.........>
  1. Paste it in the same location in your domain.xml.
  2. Deploy and launch GlassFish.
  3. Stop GlassFish> Clean> Deploy and start.

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