[Linux] Install Python 3 without administrator privileges

When I tried to install the Python module on the school server, I couldn't, so I installed the entire Python locally.

    1. Create and move a directory (here src) to your home directory. [cd / home directory / src]
  1. Download Python with the wget command.  [ wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.3/Python-3.6.3.tgz ]

    1. Defrost.   [ tar xvzf Python-3.6.3.tgz ]

Four. make. Specify the installation location with configure (here / home directory / local /).   [ cd Python-3.6.3 ] [./configure --prefix = / home directory / local / python]  [ make ]  [ make install]

Five. Pass through.  [ vi ~/.bash_profile ]

Add the following sentence. [export PATH = $ PATH: / home directory / local / python / bin]

Command mode with vi open Enter "A" to enter edit mode (added to the end of the current line) After inputting, press "esc" to enter command mode Enter ": wq" to save & exit

Installation is complete at this point!

〇 How to use [/ Home directory / local / python / bin / python3 filename]

〇Installation of library [/ Home directory / local / python / bin / pip3 install package] The main ones should be included from the beginning. However, pip needed an update.

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