I made a library to operate AWS CloudFormation stack from CUI (Python Fabric)

I have created a library that allows you to create / update / delete / check the AWS CloudFormation stack from the CUI using the Python command line tool Fabric.

** fabricawscfn ・ ・ ・ Fabric task generator for AWS CloudFormation. **

CloudFormation is often used to manage AWS resources, but GUI operations from the AWS console are laborious and difficult to automate. It can be automated by using APIs such as AWS CLI, but it is also troublesome to write standard scripts one by one.

With fabricawscfn, all you have to do is specify the stack name and template file in the Fabric script (fabfile.py) and the basic tasks for working with the stack will be automatically generated.


from fabricawscfn import *

StackGroup('my-cfn-templates', 'example', 'templates')\
  .define_stack('foo', 'example-foo', 'foo.yaml')\
  .define_stack('bar', 'example-bar', 'bar.yaml', Tags=[{'Key':'example', 'Value':'EXAMPLE'}])\

With this, Fabric tasks such as stack creation / update / delete / list view / detail view are automatically generated and made available.

The execution result of each task basically looks like the UI of the AWS console is converted to CUI as it is.

$ fab -l
Available commands:

    create_bar         create stack bar.
    create_foo         create stack foo.
    delete_bar         delete stack bar.
    delete_foo         delete stack foo.
    desc_stack         Describe existing stack.
    list_exports       List exports.
    list_resources     List existing stack resources.
    list_stacks        List stacks.
    params             Set parameters. (Applies to all tasks)
    sync_templates     Synchronize templates local dir to S3 bucket.
    update_bar         update stack bar.
    update_foo         update stack foo.
    validate_template  Validate template on local dir.


Installation of required software

$ pip install fabric

Installation of fabricawscfn

$ pip install git+https://github.com/crossroad0201/fabric-aws-cloudformation.git

Example of use

Create a Fabric script fabfile.py and use fabricawscfn to define the stack as in the example above.

See the GitHub README (https://github.com/crossroad0201/fabric-aws-cloudformation) for more information.

Check the list of stacks

$ fab list_stacks
| StackAlias | StackName            |      Status     |           CreatedTime            | UpdatedTime | Description |
| foo        | fabricawscfn-dev-foo | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-03-05 04:35:12.823000+00:00 |      -      | Foo bucket. |
| bar        | fabricawscfn-dev-bar |   Not created   |                -                 |      -      | -           |

Check stack details

$ fab desc_stack:foo
| StackName            |      Status     |           CreatedTime            | UpdatedTime | Description |
| fabricawscfn-dev-foo | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-03-05 04:35:12.823000+00:00 |     None    | Foo bucket. |
| Key     | Value  |
| Param4  | PARAM4 |
| Param3  | PARAM3 |
| Param2  | PARAM2 |
| Param1  | PARAM1 |
| EnvName | dev    |
| Key    | Value           | Description |
| Bucket | sandbox-dev-foo | Foo bucket. |
Events(last 20):
| Timestamp                        |       Status       | Type                       | LogicalID            | StatusReason                |
| 2017-03-05 04:35:55.694000+00:00 |  CREATE_COMPLETE   | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | fabricawscfn-dev-foo | None                        |
| 2017-03-05 04:35:53.009000+00:00 |  CREATE_COMPLETE   | AWS::S3::Bucket            | Bucket               | None                        |
| 2017-03-05 04:35:32.308000+00:00 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::S3::Bucket            | Bucket               | Resource creation Initiated |
| 2017-03-05 04:35:31.102000+00:00 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::S3::Bucket            | Bucket               | None                        |
| 2017-03-05 04:35:12.823000+00:00 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | fabricawscfn-dev-foo | User Initiated              |

Create a stack

$ fab create_bar
Creating stack...
  Stack Name: fabricawscfn-dev-bar
  Template  : https://s3.amazonaws.com/crossroad0201-fabricawscfn/example/dev/subdir/bar.yaml
  Parameters: [{'ParameterValue': 'dev', 'ParameterKey': 'EnvName'}]
Waiting for complete...

in conclusion

It is still rough and if you use it in actual product development, small improvements should come out, so we will improve it from time to time.

The site that I used as a reference

Related Links

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