I created a Python library to call the LINE WORKS API

Good evening, this is @ 0yan. I often use LINE WORKS talk bots, so I created a Python library in September last year to call the LINE WORKS API ... but I didn't write the README.md properly and other people A garbage library that can't be used. This time, I wrote README.md properly, fixed the bug, and released it again (I wrote it in Japanese because it is a Japanese business chat).

How to use

  1. Instantiate the TalkBotApi class
  2. Use methods of the TalkBotApi class

You can send a message to the talk bot in 2 steps.

Example of use

from lineworks import TalkBotApi

api_id = "your api id."
server_api_consumer_key = "your server api consumer key"
server_id = "your server id."
private_key = "your private key."
domain_id = "your domain id."
bot_no = "your bot number."

talk_bot = TalkBotApi(api_id, server_api_consumer_key, server_id, private_key, domain_id, "your bot no.(option)")

#Send message (Text)
talk_bot.send_text_message(send_text="Hello", account_id="[email protected]")

Details are described in the README on GitHub. We hope you will take advantage of it. Thank you.

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