How to send a request to the DMM (FANZA) API with python



DMM API that is often used by affiliates. I wrote a code to send a request with python and want to get the search result, so make a note of it. (It was quite a while ago that I actually wrote and used it)

Source code

This is a sample to get douujin work information.

# dayUtil
import datetime
# htmlUtils
import requests
from urllib.request import urlopen
# JsonParser
import json

#Domain used in request telegram
#API used in request telegram_ID
API_ID = "xxxxx"
#AFFILIATE used in request telegram_ID
AFFILIATE_ID = "xxxxx"
#SORT used in request telegram_VALUE
SORT_VALUE = "date"
#OUTPUT used in the request message
OUTPUT = "json"
#SITE used in request telegram
SITE = "DMM.R18"

# ==================================================
#html generation
# ==================================================
def create():
    jsonObject = requestToApi(10, 30, "keyword", "digital_doujin", "doujin")

# ==================================================
#Send request to API
# ==================================================
def requestToApi(hitsNum, dateFromNum, keyword, floor, service):
    response = requests.get(createRequest(hitsNum, dateFromNum, keyword, floor, service))
    jsonObject = response.json()

    return jsonObject

# ==================================================
#Request generation
# ==================================================
def createRequest(hitsNum, dateFromNum, keyword, floor, service):
    txt = DOMAIN + "?" \
    + createQueryParam("api_id", API_ID) + "&" \
    + createQueryParam("affiliate_id", AFFILIATE_ID) + "&" \
    + "hits=" + str(hitsNum) + "&" \
    + createQueryParam("sort", SORT_VALUE) + "&" \
    + createQueryParam("keyword", keyword) + "&" \
    + createDateTxt(dateFromNum) + "&" \
    + createQueryParam("output", OUTPUT) + "&" \
    + createQueryParam("site", SITE) + "&" \
    + createQueryParam("floor", floor) + "&" \
    + createQueryParam("service", service)

    return txt

# ==================================================
#Generate query parameters
# ==================================================
def createQueryParam(key, value):
    return key + "=" + value

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