[PYTHON] A class that hits the DMM API

Click here for DMM API specifications https://affiliate.dmm.com/api/ It just returns XML, so you can parse it or whatever you like ...

import urllib2
import time

Get product information using DMM API

class Dmm:
    def __init__(self, api_id, affiliate_id):
        self.baseurl = "http://affiliate-api.dmm.com/"
        self.proxy_host = None
        self.proxy_port = None
        self.api_id = api_id
        self.affiliate_id = affiliate_id
        self.version = "1.0.0"
        self.site = 'DMM.co.jp'
        self.service = 'digital'
        self.operation = 'ItemList'
        self.url = None
    def setProxy(self, host, port=8080):
        """Set proxy"""
        self.proxy_host = host
        self.proxy_port = port
    def setVersion(self, version):
        """Set version"""
        self.version = version
    def setSite(self, site):
        """Set Site"""
        self.site = site
    def setService(self, service):
        """Set Service"""
        self.service = service
    def keywordSearch(self, keyword, **options):
        """Search for items"""
        params = options
        params["keyword"] = keyword
        return unicode(self.sendRequest(params),'euc-jp')
        #return self.buildURL(params)
    def buildURL(self, params):
        """Construct URL address for REST request"""
        params["api_id"] = self.api_id
        params["affiliate_id"] = self.affiliate_id
        params["version"] = self.version
        params["site"] = self.site
        params["service"] = self.service
        params["operation"] = self.operation
        params["timestamp"] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
        sorted_params = sorted(params.items())
        #Expand hash of params
        request = []
        for p in sorted_params:
            pair = "%s=%s" % (p[0], urllib2.quote(p[1].encode("euc-jp")))
        url = self.baseurl + "?" + "&".join(request)
        return url
    def sendRequest(self, params):
        """Send a request to the DMM and return the retrieved XML"""
        self.url = self.buildURL(params)
        if self.proxy_host:
            proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http":"http://%s:%s/" % (self.proxy_host, self.proxy_port)})
            opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler)
            opener = urllib2.build_opener()
        return opener.open(self.url).read()
def _test():
    dmm = Dmm('API key', 'Affiliate')
    print dmm.keywordSearch('sex',hits='100')

if __name__ == '__main__':

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