Treat the Interface class like that with Python type annotations


-In situations such as Dependency Reversal Principle (DIP), that is, if you want to implement an abstraction-dependent implementation, try implementing it in Python. --Try using the TypeHints type annotations available from Python 3.5. --Python doesn't have Interface as a language feature, so it uses the `` `abc``` library. ――Type annotations don't get angry even if the types are different, so just write it like that. .. ..


--Environment - python: v.3.6.8

What to make

--animal module --Implement an Interface class called Animal and the Cat class that inherits it. --The Animal class has acry ()method. --In a concrete class such as Cat, print each concrete animal cry withcry ()method. It is the one that comes out when explaining polymorphism. --Although a Dog class is also prepared, this class does not inherit Animal. --myclass module --Implement a MyClass class that takes a concrete class of Animal and hits cry () method. Here in My Class

  1. I want to make it independent of the Cat class. (I want to modify the concrete class and prevent it from being affected even if another concrete class arrives.
  2. I want to know that it inherits the Interface class Animal --main module --Concrete the Cat and Dog classes and pass them to the method of MyClass.

Prepare animal module

Interface class prepared

--Try to create Interface class with inherited class using `` `abc``` library

class Animal(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """Interface class that represents an animal.
    def cry(self):
        """Animal bark interface
        pass #No specific implementation

Prepare a concrete class

--Try to create a concrete class by inheriting the Animal class

class Cat(Animal):
    """Class representing cats
        Animal:Interface class

    def cry(self):
        """Concrete method of cat barking

--Check the behavior of the Animal and Cat classes --Instantiate the Cat class and try executingcry ()


cat = Cat() cat.cry() meow


--I get angry when I try to instantiate the Interface class as it is

>>> animal = Animal()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Animal with abstract methods cry

--Even if you don't implement method in the concrete class, you get angry


class Cat(Animal): ... """Class representing cats ... Args: ... Animal:Interface class ... """ ... def nocry(self): ... """Verification method ... """ ... print('???') ...

cat = Cat() Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Cat with abstract methods cry


Try to implement a class that is not related to the Interface class

--Similar at first glance, but inherits the Animal class *** Not *** Try to create a Dog class

class Dog(object):
    """A class that represents a dog. Interface is not inherited
    def cry(self):
        """Specific method of dog barking
        print('bow wow')

prepare myclass module

Take a concrete class and prepare a class to execute cry () method

--Use type annotation to specify that the argument is a class that inherits Animal Interface

from animal import Animal

class MyClass(object):
    def run(self, animal: Animal) -> None:

Prepare main module

--Prepare logic to instantiate the actual concrete class and delegate the processing to MyClass

from animal import Cat, Dog
from myclass import MyClass

myclass = MyClass()
cat = Cat()
dog = Dog()
bow wow

--After all, dogs are barking (´ ・ ω ・ `)


--Type annotation is just an annotation, so it works even if it is not a derived class of Interface class. ――For the time being, you can do something like that (aside from the meaning) ――It's just a memo of a simple experiment, but I hope it will be helpful for you. .. .. ――Is it possible to give a meaning like "Please pay attention to the Interface class when implementing with multiple people"?

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