[Super easy] Simultaneous face recognition and facial expression recognition in real time with Python and OpenCV!

Screenshot from 2021-01-01 10-14-16.png


See also: [Perception for Autonomous Systems (github)](https://github.com/oarriaga/paz "paz") environment: ubuntu 20.04 lts corei3 7th ram 16gb

Install Tensorflow, OpenCV, NumPy, pypaz using pip3

sudo pip3 install tensorflow
sudo pip3 install opencv-python
sudo pip3 install numpy
sudo pip3 install pypaz

Download source code

git clone https://github.com/oarriaga/paz.git


Please connect the WEB camera.
cd paz
cd examples
cd face_classification
python3 demo.py

You can now do it! Thank you for your hard work!


Increase the window size

sudo nano demo.py

This line

player = VideoPlayer((640, 480), pipeline, camera)

Changed as follows

player = VideoPlayer((1152, 864), pipeline, camera)

Now the window size is bigger and easier to see!


Thank you for reading until the end! There are other programs in the examples file, so give it a try!

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